[Note] Understand the role of self attention for efficient speech recognition

* Self-attention plays two role in the success of Transformer-based ASR * The "attention map" in self-attention module can be categorize to 2 group * "phonetic"(vertical) and "linguistic"(diagonal) * Phonetic: lower layer, extract phonologically meaningful global context * Linguistic: higher layer, attent to local context * -> the phonetic variance is standardized in lower…

[Note] PERT: Pre-training BERT with permuted language model

Can we use pre-training task other than MLM? * https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06906 * Proposed: Permuted Language Model(PerLM) * Input: permute a proportion of text * Target: position of the original token Pretraining LM tasks * Masked LM * Whole word masking(wwm,): * alleviate "input information leaking" issue * Mask consecutive N-gram * e.g.…

[Note] wav2vec 2.0: A Framework for Self-Supervised Learning of Speech Representations

* https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.11477 * Self-supervised speech representation * contrastive loss: masked continous speech input -> quantized target * quantized module: gumbel softmax(latent representation codebooks) * wav2vec2.0 Large with 10min data:  5.2/8.6 LS-clean test * Fairseq * Well explained: https://neurosys.com/wav2vec-2-0-framework Feature Encoder(CNN) 將 raw audio…

[Note] Improving CTC-based speech recognition via knowledge transferring from pre-trained language models

https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03582 Motivation * CTC-based models are always weaker than AED models and requrire the assistance of external LM. * Conditional independence assumption * Hard to utilize contextualize information Proposed * Transfer the knowledge of pretrained language model(BERT, GPT-2) to CTC-based ASR model. No inference speed reduction, only use…

Facebook Hate Speech Detection

只要有人類的地方就會有惡意言論,而 Facebook 身為全球最大的社交平台,從以往僱用審查團隊去人工檢視,近年來也開始引入 AI 系統來輔助偵測,在 NLP 領域令人振奮的 BERT 系列模型更扮演了關鍵的角色。 本文由黃偉愷, Ke-Han Lu 共同完成,是「人工智慧與大數據之商業價值」這門課的期末報告,我們分成兩大方向調查了 Facebook 在惡意言論偵測的近期發展: * Facebook Hate Speech Detection:背景介紹及以政策面探討 FB 如何審查、定義惡意言論,AI系統對於目前 FB 的影響 * Facebook BERT-based System:以技術角度介紹 BERT-based 模型的迷人之處及其原理 Facebook Hate Speech Detection 背景介紹 Facebook的創辦人馬克·祖克柏曾說:「Facebook的創建理念是,打造一個全球性的社區,加深人與人之間的聯繫,…

How to Read a Paper

這學期開始進入正式課程之前,教授提供了一些關於「如何讀 Paper」的文章。對於一位剛要進入研究領域的學生來說,讀文獻是很重要的,用對方法可以節省很多心力,避免變成被論文海淹沒的菸酒生。…